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Flash Fiction Horror Contest

Flash Fiction seems to be the newest rage, so we figured we'd jump on the bandwagon. So let's see just how good of a writer you are!

This contest is open to all writers, published or unpublished.

The story style does not matter. It can be anything from a slasher type story (although we have to admit right up front, those are not our favorites) to a humorous tale or anything in between. But most importantly, it must be an entertaining horror short story and it must be flash fiction (details below).

Here are the rest of the guidelines:

DEADLINE: On-going contest.

The deadline for each contest is 60 days prior to the publication of each issue. (E.g. Deadline for the January issue would be November 1st, for the April issue it would be February 1st, etc.)


All flash fiction stories entered into this contest which are selected for publication will receive a copy of the issue in which the story appears. Each year, the best flash fiction story will be chosen from the previous 4 issues of Dark Moon Digest and awarded a $50 grand prize. This only applies to those who have submitted an entry fee. If you are submitting a flash fiction story for standard submission and not for the contest, please use the submissions page rather than the contest page.

ENTRY FEE: $5.00 payable via PayPal or by check or money order.

We want this to be a real challenge to serious writers which is why we chose a minimal entry fee for this contest. (See below for information on submitting the fee.) **If you do not wish to enter the contest, but only wish to submit a flash fiction piece, please check under our standard submission guidelines. All flash fiction pieces submitted and chosen for publication, but not entered into the contest, will receive a PDF copy of the issue in which their story appears. All flash fiction submissions, whether for the contest or standard submission are also eligible for publication in our Flash Fiction Anthology to be released in 2011.

  • All flash fiction short stories must be submitted by the author holding the copyright. (If your story is not copyrighted, don’t worry. Copyright laws protect your work from the moment you began writing it. Check here for more information on copyrights.)

  • Your flash fiction horror story must be previously unpublished in print format unless you still hold the copyright. (You must inform us if a story has previously been published and where it was published so we can verify who holds the copyright.) Online publication is fine as long as you hold the copyright and are not bound by exclusivity to any person, party or website. You also give us permission to publish on our web or blog site, but are not bound by any publication rights.

  • By submitting your flash fiction short story to this contest, you are assigning Dark Moon Books First North American Serial Rights, the permission to include your story on our website and the permission to possibly publish the work in any of our upcoming anthologies. You keep all other rights including the original copyright. Stories published in either the magazine or an anthology will carry notices which stipulate the copyright resides with the author. (NOTE: If your submission has previously appeared in another publication or anthology, we will discuss publication rights with you.) If you eventually get your story published elsewhere, we will remove it if we have posted it on our website.

  • Submissions cannot, under any circumstances, exceed 500 words! Title, byline and notes to the editor are not included in the word count. If your story is 501 words or more, it will not be entered into the contest. We will, however, inform you of the problem and allow you to re-submit at no additional fee.  

  • You may withdraw your story from consideration at any point, but this request must be made in writing (e-mail acceptable). No entry fees will be refunded in this case.

  • Entrants selected for publication will be contacted prior to publication with further instructions. Dark Moon Digest reserves the right to edit submitted stories for content. (If you have questions regarding this, please send us an e-mail.)


  • Submit all entries via e-mail to as an attachment in either Word (.doc) or rich text format. Please use “Flash Fiction Contest” in your subject line. Stories may be submitted before payment is made, but will not officially be entered into the contest until your entry fee has been received. No queries are required.

  • Include your name, address, and e-mail address on the first page of your short story and in your e-mail. Do not use headers and footers.

  • Please use a serif type to format your short story. (i.e. Times Roman, Georgia, Garamond, Courier).


Use the button below to pay instantly (and securely) through PayPal. You do not have to join PayPal to use this payment system.

If you would rather pay by check or money order, send your $5.00 entry fee to Stony Meadow Publishing, 3412 Imperial Palm Drive, Largo, FL 33771. Please make checks and money orders payable to Stony Meadow Publishing.

Stories may be submitted before payment is made, but will not officially be entered into the contest until payment has been received.

Questions? Send them to




Copyright 2011 by Stony Meadow Publishing, Dark Moon Books and Dark Moon Digest

