The Horror Fiction Quarterly








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Araminta Matthews

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Stan Swanson

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Keep Current With Our Contests

For up-to-the-minute info on our horror writing contests and all of Dark Moon Digest's other contests, visit our blog at If you find a discrepancy in any of these deadlines, those on the blog will be considered correct. (This also applies to any of our contests you find posted at



Writing Prompt Contests

ONGOING at the Dark Moon Digest blog

This one is simple. Just write a 50 word or less response to our current writing prompt. Winner of each contest will receive a complimentary copy of the issue in which their "micro-fiction" response appears. Visit the blog and check out some of the great responses we are receiving. It makes for some great reading. And it costs you nothing but a few minutes of your time to write your own creative response. Visit our blog at for complete details.



Frightmares 2 Flash Fiction Contest


Well, now that Frightmares is finished and available, the staff and I will be contemplating whether or not to plan a Frightmares 2 for next year. Keep checking in to see what our decision is... (Or, let us know your opinion by sending an e-mail to


Sci Fi Horror Short Story Contest

DEADLINE: October 15, 2011

Submissions are now being accepted for our science fiction horror story contest. Aliens on earth? Humans on an alien planet? Horrors in outer space? All are prime candidates for stories in this sub-genre. The winning story (or stories) will be scheduled for publication in Issue #6 of Dark Moon Digest. There are two "contests" for this exciting issue. One requires an entry fee and will have prizes awarded; the other has no entry fee. Choose your poison, but enter soon! There are links for both types of submissions included on the details page. (READ MORE…)



Apocalyptic Horror Story Contest

DEADLINE: January 15, 2012

Submissions are now being accepted for our apocalyptic horror short story contest. Yep. The end is here. Are there zombies? Disfigured humanoids? Underground dwellers? Raiding parties of cannibals? The four horseman of the apocalypse? The ideas are endless and more than a little scary. But remember. These are not just futuristic sci fi stories, they are horror stories! Scare us. Please...

All of these ideas and more are prime candidates for stories in this sub-genre. The winning story (or stories) will be scheduled for publication in Issue #7 of Dark Moon Digest.

This is for Issue #7 of Dark Moon Digest which will debut at the 2012 World Horror Conference and the Bram Stoker Awards in Salt Lake City next March. Another outstanding and special issue to aim for.

There are two "contests" for this exciting issue. One requires an entry fee and will have prizes awarded; the other has no entry fee. Choose your poison, but enter soon! There are links for both types of submissions included on the details page. (READ MORE…)



Limericks for the Undead

DEADLINE: Tentatively July 2012

Sharpen your pencils and limber up your fingers for this one. There is no entry fee and you can enter as many limericks as you want. Funny? Horrific? Horrifically funny? There is no official deadline yet, but we will give everyone a “heads-up” (or a “heads-off” for all of our zombie readers) when we begin to reach the saturation point. The contest will definitely run through July 2012, but don’t wait too long. The author of the winning entry will receive a $50 grand prize, second place $25 and third place $10. They will each also receive a complimentary copy of the printed edition. The authors of all other limericks chosen for the publication will receive a PDF version of the book. Dark Moon reserves the right to make minor changes to your limerick without notification and also reserves the right to print your entry in issues of Dark Moon Digest and Dark Eclipse e-Magazine for promotional purposes. All entries should be sent to



Flash Fiction Horror Contest


Chosen tales will appear in future issues of Dark Moon Digest. While we welcome all flash fiction submissions for possible publication in our publication, this contest has a $5 entry fee. If you do not enter this specific contest, your flash fiction piece will be considered as a general submission and will be considered for the print version of DMD, the new e-version or perhaps even the "Frightmares 2" flash fiction collection scheduled for publication in the fall of 2012. Flash fiction authors will receive an e-book version (Kindle, Nook, PDF) of the publication they are printed in.

First Place Award: $50 Grand Prize

A minimum of one flash fiction piece will be chosen for each issue of Dark Moon Digest. (There will also likely be another flash fiction anthology published in 2012. Stories entered in this contest will also be considered for the anthology.) For those of you having never written flash fiction, this will definitely test your creative writing skills. Are you up to it? The winner of this contest will be announced in each January issue for the previous year. (READ MORE…)


Other Horror Writing Contests

Visit or for more information for other possible contests.



Copyright 2011 by Stony Meadow Publishing, Dark Moon Books and Dark Moon Digest

