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Flash Fiction Submissions

Dark Moon Digest is looking for quality flash fiction stories for future issues of our quarterly publication. Any category or topic will be accepted as long as it is in the horror genre. There are no deadlines for submitting your work as submissions will be selected for future issues, so submit at your leisure. Dark Moon Books, our parent company, is also compiling an anthology scheduled for a release in 2011 (Frightmares Flash Fiction Anthology) which will contain 150-200 horror flash fiction pieces.

Submission is open to all writers, published or unpublished.

The story style does not matter. It can be anything from a slasher type story (although we have to admit right up front, those are not our favorites) to a humorous tale or anything in between. But most importantly, it must be an entertaining horror short story. We must want to turn that page to see what happens next and how things end. Oh, and don’t forget scary. That is, perhaps, the most important consideration. Scary, gruesome, macabre, gory, frightening, shocking dark and suspenseful--well, you get the idea.

Here are the rest of the submission guidelines:


  • There are no deadlines. Flash fiction stories will be reviewed as they are submitted for future issues of Dark Moon Digest. Submissions for the special edition will be open until filled. Stories may appear in either a regular edition of Dark Moon Digest, the flash fiction anthology or both.


  • Authors of all stories selected for publication will receive a PDF copy of the edition of Dark Moon Digest in which their flash fiction story appears. We also include a short biography for each author which accompanies their piece. (We also have an ongoing flash fiction contest with an entry fee and prize money. Check the contest page for more information.)

  • All flash fiction stories must be submitted by the author holding the copyright. (If your story is not copyrighted, don’t worry. Copyright laws protect your work from the moment you begin writing. Check here for more information on copyrights.) Authors of stories chosen for publication will need to sign an agreement with Dark Moon Digest stating they currently hold said copyright.

  • Your flash fiction short story must be previously unpublished in print format unless you still hold the copyright. (You must inform us if a story has previously been published and where it was published so we may verify that you actually hold the copyright.) Stories previously published online are fine as long as you hold the copyright and are not bound by exclusivity to any person, party or website.

  • Multiple submissions are acceptable.

  • By submitting your horror short fiction work to this Dark Moon Digest, you are assigning Dark Moon Books First North American Serial Rights and the permission to possibly publish the work in our annual anthology. You keep all other rights including the original copyright. Stories published in either the magazine or the anthology will carry notices which stipulate the copyright resides with the author. (NOTE: If your work has previously appeared in another publication or anthology, we will discuss publication rights with you.)

  • Submissions must not exceed 500 words. This is a strict guideline. Stories longer than 500 words will not be considered for publication.

  • No gratuitous sex or language unless it is integral to the story. (This is, however, a publication for mature audiences.)

  • You may withdraw your story from consideration at any point, but this request must be made in writing (e-mail acceptable).

  • Dark Moon Digest reserves the right to edit flash fiction pieces for grammar, spelling, etc. We also reserve the right to make minor changes to stories to improve clarity, storyline, etc. (If you have questions regarding this, please send us an e-mail.)


  • Submit all flash fiction stories in either Word (.doc) or .rtf format via e-mail to as an attachment. Please use “Flash Fiction Submission” in your subject line. No queries are required.

  • Include your name, address and e-mail address on the first page of your short story and in your e-mail. Please do not use headers or page numbers.

  • Please use a serif type to format your short story. (i.e. Times Roman, Georgia, Garamond, Courier).

Inquires and questions should be directed to

Good luck and have fun, but stay scared!



Copyright 2011 by Stony Meadow Publishing, Dark Moon Books and Dark Moon Digest

